Thursday, November 17, 2011


This past week has been exhausting, challenging and one of the greatest of my life. Last Friday, I went to go see my best friend's play in Rolla, MO. It was beautiful, hilarious and just absolutely wonderful. I saw her act for the first time and it filled me with great joy. After the play, and on into the weekend, we met with some of her friends that inspired me. They are filled with love for the LORD and knowledge of His Word. I was so impressed as conversations went on and we'd end up studying the Word and just be amazed at what God says.

After a few days of chilling with my bestie and meeting these grand new folks, Katie and I set off a great adventure. We were going back to Greenville College. The college that held many great and most recently, horrible memories. The college we dropped out of only months before. But we had a mission. We had a vision. We wanted to share what God was doing in our lives. We wanted to share our growing passion for the Nations. Although we had no idea why Greenville College of all places, was the place we wanted to share these things with the most.

Needless to say, the whole two days we were there, were some of the most successful, rewarding and physically exhausting days of my life. God completely covered everything and amazed us. He made ways for us to speak in front of classes, talk to and give books to many people that have been on our hearts for the past few weeks. It was incredible. It seemed like everyone we talked to, needed to hear what we had to say, needed to hear our stories. They needed the encouragement, the prayers. It was so good and refreshing. It was so inspiring. I don't know if I've ever felt like I've been used by God like that before. I was doing ministry. I was doing things I was passionate about. I was loving it. Every moment of it.

On my way home, riding in my Freddy, I was amazed. I couldn't believe the past five days. I couldn't believe the people He chose to put in my life that inspired me. I couldn't believe what He did through Katie and I in Greenville. All I could do was sing praises. I sang for about an hour was GREAT. And then, God just seemed to have put little pieces to a puzzle in my mind. Things that He has been piece by piece, putting ideas in my head, He started adding to them, started growing my passions, and my visions. I don't really know how to explain it, I'll just say it was inspiring. God is inspiring.

I still feel like I'm in a daze (maybe from lack of sleep) but I just feel like I have so much to think about! So many thoughts and ideas rushing through my brain. It's crazy. I don't really have a conclusion. I still am a little confused and boggled of what happened this past week. All I can say is I can't wait to see what God is going to do. We serve a good God.

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