Friday, November 18, 2011


If you want a prayer that will change your life, here one is.
"God, in every situation, do whatever it takes to draw me closer to you. Thank You. Amen."

I was challenged a couple weeks ago. I realized that I prayed so many prayers to prevent things. I would pray for a safe trip, for me not to slip up, for me not to get called on to answer a question during class, for a relationship to get better. I have been so scared to mess up, for my life to change drastically. So I would pray for God to protect me from these things. It wasn't until the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, entered my life, that I realized that I was limiting God. I was trying to make Him protect me, when maybe he wants to use these "bad things" to help me grow.I wasn't trusting God. I wasn't letting go.

So, I decided to pray this prayer and mean it. My life got turned upside down.

Like I said before, I felt like I was to end a relationship. I'm not good at letting go. Especially people. It's very difficult for me. But I knew it had to be done. When both I and the other person realized this needed to be done, we ended it on November 1st. That night, I was so confused. I wasn't sure where I was going but I felt like God was telling me to pick up my guitar and worship. So I did. I started singing this prayer once more, and the God gave me a Chorus. Here it is:

God, in every situation do whatever it takes to bring me closer to You

I'll take you up on that! You may think that I am breaking your heart, but don't fret, I'm here.
I'm here to wipe away all your tears, to overcome all of your fears. Come find rest in me.
Beloved come.

I was amazed. Such simple lyrics, chords, melodies, but it was from God. It was for me. I was blown away with His love. He mended my broken heart that night. He helped me find rest in Him. He was holding me in His arms that night. He was carrying me through it all..taking care of everything for me.

I continued to pray this prayer randomly and could tell God was working through me. That Thursday night, I was on my way to church. While I was driving, I started to say my usual prayer of protection...then I stopped myself, catching what I was doing, and prayed the above prayer instead. About 5 minutes later my car stopped. It just stopped! In the middle of the road! I just started laughing as I realized that I just prayed for God to do whatever it would take to bring me closer to Him. That night, worship was incredible, even though there were many distractions. I was able to share with a few friends my passion for the Nations like no other time. I even accidentally hit my pastor's wife in the head while I was jumping and wailing my arms with excitement. HA! Whoops.

Now, I'm going on this missions trip. A six month trip. It costs a LOT of money. So when I found out that my car was a gonner, I started to get a little stressed. I can't afford a car. I'm spending all of my money just going over to Australia for this missions trip! But I continued to pray this above prayer, and sing the song that was written days before.

Sunday after church, I got the privilege to talk to the Dean of Evangel University about praying for the Nations..So inspiring. Then, just waiting to talk to me, was Mr. Roger Baston. He said he had a car. And it was mine for the next two months. No strings attached. He just asked to have it back when I go on my missions trip. How incredible!!

Driving home that night I. was. balling... literally. Snot flowing, can't breathe, balling. I was blown away. I couldn't help but realize that if I didn't pray that prayer, my car might have stayed going. If I didn't pray that prayer, I wouldn't have been blessed only days later with a car with even better gas mileage. Maybe if I didn't pray that prayer, I wouldn't have realized exactly how God is a provider. How He will never fail me. Even when I think my world is falling, He comes through and gives me a surprise party, and even throw in new car! 

I could have prayed for protection, and maybe God would have spared me this experience. But I'm so glad I did. He showed His glory. He showed His love. And yes, He did take this situation, and draw me closer to Him. He is good.
This is what my new car Freddy looks like. Only he's a two door:) Love him.

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