Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Seasoning the Seasons

So, the time has finally come. It's Christmas time. The "Big day is only 27 days away. Ca-Razy! I can hardly believe it. The sad thing is, that I listened to so much Christmas music the past several months, that I'm kinda sick of Christmas music now that it's actually time to. Hahaha..happens every year.

Continuing with the countdowns, there are only 36 days until I fly away to the great city of Perth in Western Australia. It's so weird to know that the day is coming so soon. As I'm slightly getting to know some of the people who are about to embark on this grand adventure with me, I'm getting both so excited and scared out of my wits. It's the strangest feeling. Just knowing I'm leaving everyone and everything I've ever known for six whole months. Both terrifying and extremely exciting.

I have no idea what this new year will bring. I only have one plan. To get on that plane at the STL airport on January 4, 2012. What an adventure. I love not knowing what's going to happen in my life. I literally have no idea! Hahaha...I've met so many people within the last couple of years that are just totally opposites of me. They hate not knowing, not having a plan. It freaks them out. So much in fact, that they rush into new plans as fast as they possibly can just so they have one "secure thing" to leap onto. I seriously don't understand that at all. When you don't know what's coming, you don't have to worry about it because you don't even know what's coming and you get to be surprised! Why wouldn't you want to be surprised?!?

I just got done reading a book that spoke of Beniah's story. Beniah shows up only a few times in the Bible. He was king David's body guard and got promoted to be the Chief of command during king Solomon's rule. Before he had these great privileges however, he has this now famous story of killing a lion....in a pit...on a snowy day. Do you think Beniah expected this to happen? Umm..my guess is no. Do you think it changed his life forever? I assume so.

You know how when you're getting to know people for the first time, and someone asks everyone to say something about yourself that not many people know? Can you imagine his response? "Well, I mean, I killed a lion one time. In a pit. Oh, and it was snowing too." Or when he went to apply for his job for king David...I bet no one else's resume had quite the exciting ending as Beniah's. My point is, life is great. God can use these crazy fiasco's and "Divine appointments" and completely unexpected opportunities in your life to spice it up a little bit. To change your life forever. We just have to cease the opportunity. Accept the surprise party, even if it's disguised as a huge hairy, toothy beast. Defeat it. Accept it, and see what happens next.

If there is one thing I've learned since graduating High School nearly three years ago, it's that some of the greatest moments and choices in life are unexpected. Freshman year, spring break, I didn't expect to go to IHOP in KC with my old youth group, but I did. And it really did change me and my perspective on life and my relationship with God.

I didn't expect to change my major 5 or more times in three semesters. I didn't expect to hate my ministry classes, I didn't expect to be placed on a Vespers worship team. Most of all though, I didn't expect that I would drop out of college. Even though dropping out of college doesn't sound as terrifying as chasing a lion, it was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make. And you know what? Yes it was scary, Yes it was hard, but it was also one of my greatest decisions I've made. To take that leap of faith, to leave what I knew and to step out into the unknown. To dare to let God take control of my life, and do whatever He wanted. Cuz everyone knew I had no clue. And you know what? That was relief! Not knowing was one of the greatest gifts ever.

I think we're called to live a little bit out on the edge. I believe we're all called to be lion chasers. To challenge that status quo. To do something a little crazy. It's just our job to be open to these chances, to recognize them, and to chase them. To let God in and help us do it.

"Lion chasers challenge the status quo. They climb cliffs, move to foreign countries, and build boats in the desert. Lion chasers are often considered crazy, but they are able to do things because they aren't afraid of uncertainty. They don't need to know what's coming next because they know God knows. They don't need explanations for every disappointment because they know God has a plan. Lion chasers refuse to settle down because they want to experience every Divine twist and turn that God has in store for them." -Mark Batterson

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