Monday, November 28, 2011


Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I piled my plate with food, and joined in with all the rest of my American family in a day of pigging out and giving thanks to God for all of His blessings. What a wonderful tradition!

Yesterday, I woke to the sun shining through my window, and the most tasty smells slipping in my nose. What a great way to wake up! I went down stairs to see how things were going with the folks, helped them out a bit and then went to read in my room. Needless to say, I'm kinda becoming a weird.

After piles of family members started to pour in, I made my way down stairs to greet them and wish them the best of Thanksgivings as we all sat around our table to eat. Of course, I'm still at the "kids" table with my cousins, at our mini table that we have most definitely outgrown. After filling our bellies to the brim, naturaly, we went out side to shoot clay. Yes, most families play football....but, we shoot guns. Typical Missouri behavior. Shooting went well I suppose. I haven't even shot a gun in years, but still managed to tear apart those flung clay targets. Even though I only hit about 3...out of 20. HA! My dad did about the same though, and my cousin didn't hit a one. If there was one thing about this little "shoot out" we had told me, it's that I've turned into more of a city girl. What. the. heck. I caught myself not knowing how to load a gun, or how to even shoot it. I could feel my dad's embarrasment radiating off him like the heat from the sun as I forgot how to even turn Off the saftey button. whoops. haha.

Soon enough, after embarassing myself as normal, my family hit the road and we said our goodbyes. I fell into a doze for a couple hours, and awoke to hearing guitars in the distance. I can't hear a guitar and not want to grab my own, so I went up to my room, grabed my lovely Martin, jammed a lil and changed my strings. What beauty it is to have new strings on a guitar. It's like a new voice. Love it. After playing ever so softly as my family drifted to sleep, I talked to my best friend on the phone and soon after joined my family in the wonderful sway of falling into a deep sleep.

I have much to be thankful for. So many increible family members, friends, a house, good health, a full belly, a car, upon many, Many other things. There are too many things to count to be thankful for. I am spoiled beyond imagine. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am here in Missouri. I get so wrapped up in the future: YWAM. Australia. And even though getting so excited to go have this experience is great, I forget to take a step back and enjoy the time I have while I'm here. So for the next 44 days, I want to bask in the glorious riches that the MidWest has to offer. I will sink into the love of my family and friends once more, enjoy time of living with my family, visiting friends, encouraging others, leading worship and letting God take control of my life and prepare my heart for what's to come.

Life is good.

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